Spring Has Sprung!

Few people can say they don’t love spring. After all, it’s a time of renewal and a generally positive atmosphere. But spring (and the art of spring cleaning) can be quite a different story if you reside in Long Island. The folks at Clean County know this all too well, as a residential cleaning service…

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Complete Commercial Pressure Washing From Clean County

Are you seeking out the services of a trusted company for a complete commercial pressure washing solution? Let’s face it: in the business world, you never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Having a sparkling-clean commercial enterprise is critical to securing the hearts and minds of customers, both current and potential,…

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Storefront Cleaning For Your Holiday Shopping Season

Holiday Shopping Season

It’s the holiday season! For millions of shoppers around the world, that means it’s time to bundle up and open up the wallets for that shopping season spending spree.   Retailers, you know just how important this season is to your bottom line – and you know how important a good first impression is for…

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